Altered Carbon Review I’m going to kick this thing off by quoting part of book review I did for Altered Carbon way back in 2015: “Altered Carbon has absolutely everything you could want out of a futuristic cyber-punk, mystery thriller. A compelling lead character not so dissimilar from Han Solo, a murder mystery that’ll leave…

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Quick public service announcement, ya’ll. If you read as much as me, books can get quite expensive, so I want to put this on your radar. Amazon currently has a sale running on The Firstborn Saga through the end of the week. That means you can snag a copy of Time Heist for the price…

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Today’s a special day… Did you know that exactly three years ago today, Time Heist was launched out into the Universe? Since November 15th, 2014, Time Heist has sold over 20,000 copies, hit #1 on Amazon’s Top-100 chart for Science Fiction, and been adapted into a critically accclaimed audiobook performed by none other than Adam…

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Preorder Mind Breach Today! That’s right. Mind Breach is coming and there’s little you, me, or those blasted, meddling kids can do to stop it. At this point we might as well curl into little balls and await the inevitable destruction. Wait…why am I coaching the release of Time Heist’s sequel in such cataclysmic terms?…

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Blade Runner 2049 Review First, let it be said that I am a huge Philip K. Dick fan. That wily wordsmith with his mind-bending perspective on the world of tomorrow told some of the most influential science fiction tales of all-time. We need go no further than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep the source…

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Street thug Riko has some serious issues—memories wiped, reputation tanked, girlfriend turned into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who think she screwed them over. In an apathetic society devoid of ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh can mean a killing edge or a killer conversion,…

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If you’ve ever read one of my stories, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m pretty in love with cyberpunk. The interplay between society, individual freedom, and technology is a source of infinite material. A playground I could romp around in, shoving small children into the sandbox, all day long. But there’s a problem.…

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Confession time: I love audiobooks. They’re a fantastic alternative to dragging your eyeballs across an electronic screen, or a sheet of dead tree sprinkled with bits of black ink. Problem is: Audiobooks are crazy expensive. After having gone through the production process to bring Time Heist into existence as an audiobook, I now understand why. Production…

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