You might’ve noticed by now that I’m super into books about productivity and human behavior. I’ve got some pretty severe ADHD lurking up in my skull, and I figured out pretty early in life that the key to my personal productivity was almost entirely dependent on my ability to create habits, routines, and systems that…

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Here we are, my friends, another beginning, another opportunity, another Monday. Now today, we’re not just cranking the psyche system to 11 and getting all sorts of spastic motivated. I’m not your spin instructor, and you don’t need me showering you with spittle as I channel my inner drill sergeant. Instead, I’m gonna ask you…

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Before we get in up to our elbows worth of books I want to give ya’ll a heads-up that starting tomorrow Time Heist will be FREE on Amazon through the end of the week. So if you’ve been holding off on getting yourself a copy, or you have a frugally inclined friend looking for a new…

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