Last week I was invited to join the SF Signal podcast for a panel  with Gail Carriger, Stina Leicht, Sarah Chorn, Paul Weimer, Alvaro Zino-Amaro, and Patrick Hester) about Worldcon, The Hugo Awards, Up-and-Coming Authors, and Hot New Books We Can’t Wait To Read. It was what the kids these days like to call a…

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You like free stories, right? Sure you do. The person who hates free stories is pretty much the same kind of person who hates puppies. You don’t hate puppies, do you? Of course you don’t. So listen closely, I’m gonna let you in on a little known secret: by signing up for the One Lazy…

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A good story needs at least one of two things: a good plot or good characters. Ideally you’d get both, but beggars can’t be choosers. Well, actually, they can…but they shouldn’t. For instance, if you’re panhandling outside Chipotle and I bring you a chicken burrito, I don’t want to hear any complaints about how you’re a vegetarian…

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