Martha’s Bookshelf has just reviewed the Time Heist audiobook and is giving away 3 FREE copies of the ebook and 1 FREE copy of the audiobook.   “The primary characters are intense and strongly flawed. The addiction aspects are interesting even as they are repellent.” – Martha If you’ve been wanting to snag a copy of Time Heist,…

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It’s about a month since I last posted anything here (and about two months since I posted anything particularly substantial in the way of a review or article). Some of you have reached out, concerned that I finally drowned away all my sorrows at the bottom of a bowl of cheerios. Well, I’m back to…

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CLICK HERE for Time Heist Audiobok! Rejoice, people! The long awaited Time Heist audiobook is finally here! Thanks to everybody for their patience, I know I’ve been saying “It’s coming, it’s coming,” for awhile now. But alas it’s here, and I’m really excited to share it with ya’ll. Adam Verner, the narrator, did a fantastic…

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A couple quick things: CLICK HERE for my review of Linda Nagata’s Going Dark! Forgot to mention I recently reviewed Going Dark, the thrilling conclusion to Linda Nagata’s The Red trilogy, for SF Signal. This series was a real gem throughout, though I had some mixed feelings about this finale. Head over to SF Signal and check the…

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I alluded to this a couple months back, but have been playing it fairly close to the vest since. Well, we’re officially in the homestretch and in just a couple days Time Heist will be available as an audiobook. Pretty cool, huh? The whole process has been fascinating and I can’t wait to share the finished…

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I’m a sucker for fan art. Thanks to The Mad Artist for the little pick-me-up on this slow, hot Sunday afternoon. Check out his site if you’re in need of some graphic art. I haven’t personally used him, but the stuff on his site looks great. TheMadArtist. For those interested, by the way, I’ve begun…

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