On The Protean Shore is officially out and about for only $0.99! Let’s keep this short and sweet. My newest short story, On The Protean Shore, is now available for visual consumption over at Amazon HERE’S A LINK! Need a bit more convincing? Here’s a tasty little blurb: Some promises are better left broken. Riley’s…

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Quick public service announcement, ya’ll. If you read as much as me, books can get quite expensive, so I want to put this on your radar. Amazon currently has a sale running on The Firstborn Saga through the end of the week. That means you can snag a copy of Time Heist for the price…

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Preorder Mind Breach Today! That’s right. Mind Breach is coming and there’s little you, me, or those blasted, meddling kids can do to stop it. At this point we might as well curl into little balls and await the inevitable destruction. Wait…why am I coaching the release of Time Heist’s sequel in such cataclysmic terms?…

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Psst…hey, hey you. Yeah, you. Come over here. I have something to tell you. No, just trust me, come closer. It’s best if I whisper this seductively in your ear? What’s that? Did I say seductively? No, of course not, that’s weird. Stop inching away and giving me those worried eyes. Come back here! Okay, fine.…

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It’s official: My latest short story, Purgatory, is finally available for pre-order over on the Amazon. It’s only $0.99 so what’re you waiting for? Pop on over while it’s still fresh in your mind, grab a copy, and then sit back and wait with sweat slicked palms for Amazon to deliver Purgatory to your e-reader on December 1st!…

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Here’s a thing you might be interested in. Goodreads is hosting a contest for a signed copy of my book, Time Heist. All you you have to do is head on over to Goodreads, click on the little button that says “Sell My Soul In Exchange for an Opportunity to Win a Signed Copy of Time…

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