Looking for an excellent collection of short stories centered around the theme of Time Travel? Of course you are. What with all the hype around Back to the Future recently, I know you’re all dying to sate that time warping hunger burning in your gut. And here’s your opportunity: The Time Travel Chronicles from mega-curating superstar, Samuel Peralta, are officially on pre-order!…

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Here’s some news: I’m writing a Time Travel short story for The Future Chronicles, and if I were any more excited I’d need to take a potty training refresher course. For those of you unfamiliar with the Chronicles, they are curated by none other than Samuel Peralta himself, and explore the truly mind bogglingly (Yes,…

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Here’s the dirty: I’m sprinting towards the finish line of this Novella I’ve been working on the past week tentatively named Nemesis. It’s something shy of 30,000 words and I can see the finish line in sight. So, no long, well thought-out blog posts (ha, as if any of my posts are well-thought out) today.…

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Alright, I left you on a cliff-hanger yesterday and I know, I just know, you’ve been dying to hear the rest of my thoughts on the anthology of short stories, No Way Home. Well, wait no longer, for it has come…the rest of my review. Cue the drum circle. What do you mean we have…

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I received No Way Home (an anthology of short stories) from Michael Patrick Hicks as an Advanced Review Copy. Typically I don’t do ARC copies 1) because if it’s a book I really want to read I’d rather just buy it and support the author and 2) because it makes me feel subconsciously obligated to…

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