Altered Carbon Review I’m going to kick this thing off by quoting part of book review I did for Altered Carbon way back in 2015: “Altered Carbon has absolutely everything you could want out of a futuristic cyber-punk, mystery thriller. A compelling lead character not so dissimilar from Han Solo, a murder mystery that’ll leave…

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If you’ve ever read one of my stories, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m pretty in love with cyberpunk. The interplay between society, individual freedom, and technology is a source of infinite material. A playground I could romp around in, shoving small children into the sandbox, all day long. But there’s a problem.…

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Yesterday I passed a landmark for the year: 100 books read. At the start of 2015 I set the goal of reading 2 books per week, but somehow I’ve managed to get a bit ahead of myself. Which is good, ’cause it means now I can put the books down, go out and actually have…

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