Here’s a two-fer! Boy, this has been a great month for Indie Cyberpunk. For me, atleast. I’ve had this deep rooted affection for cyberpunk since reading William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash. That love is nestled in my loins next to my affinity for peanut butter and cereal. Though, not necessarily together. Unless…

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I know you’ve been waiting for it… Wait. Really? You weren’t? Poop. Anyways, regardless of whether or not you were waiting for it, it’s here. Parallel’s Free on Amazon for the next couple days. Now, e-books, especially this one, are great because they can be used to fend off the digital zombie invasion, can be…

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Want to win a FREE signed copy of Time Heist? Well, you’re in luck. Take two minutes to follow this LINK! over to Goodreads and sign up for the Giveway. The winner will be announced on January, 4th. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying, hells yeah I want a free book, I’ll sign up…later.…

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