Today’s a special day… Did you know that exactly three years ago today, Time Heist was launched out into the Universe? Since November 15th, 2014, Time Heist has sold over 20,000 copies, hit #1 on Amazon’s Top-100 chart for Science Fiction, and been adapted into a critically accclaimed audiobook performed by none other than Adam…

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Here’s a nifty little video starring Littlefinger from Game of Thrones for your viewing pleasure. The CGI is top notch, the story is…uhm…*shrug* I don’t really know what to make of the story actually. It could be the kickoff of a really interesting story world, but this particular vignette seemed “dramatically forced”. Still entertaining from…

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I’ve been hitting the ginger ale pretty hard this morning. What I meant to say is: Time Heist for FREE!! Yeah, that makes more sense and seems a better deal for all parties involved. Seriously, I don’t want your fleas, but thanks for asking. Okay, so I screwed the pooch the other day when I…

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Here’s a little short Sci-Fi movie roundup for you. One of the things all these films have going for them is some fantastic visual and sound effects. Acting is typically “meh” and the story lines are a bit “whuuu?” but that’s what you get from a 3 minute movie. Enjoy. There’s a story to this…

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They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but those people are idiots. True, in an ideal world we’d be able to separate the two mediums (cover art/writing), but that’s just not how it works. A bad cover sets your expectations just that much lower, which can be a good thing if the writing/story…

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Yeah, you read that correctly. Consider it a little end of the year gift to help you along with your New Years Resolution to read more. Pop on over to Amazon and grab a copy of Time Heist for only $.99. Click the photo! Stop arguing and do it! Be quick about it though, this…

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