Welcome to the world of fragmented attention. Let’s face it, we’re screwed. We’re deep inside a digital age that has reduced our attention spans to the equivalent of a high-functioning goldfish. From the moment we slide our slabs of meat out of bed in the morning, to the moment we cannonball back in that evening,…

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My hard-drive is littered with carcasses. It’s a literary graveyard. Overflowing with the remains of sweet, beautiful little darlings cut down in the prime of their lives. And with every darling I’ve ever butchered, I died a little inside. Some of you will understand my murderous tendencies. Others are edging their way towards the door/back…

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[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Fasten your seatbelts, Buckaroos! Today we’re talking about voice (or perhaps more specifically, STYLE), which is a slippery eel of a topic if ever there were one, so we’re gonna have to come at it all sneaky like from a couple different angles and hopefully one of…

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Hey Everybody!! It’s the day you’ve all been awaiting with eager anticipation, sweaty palms, and trembling knees: EXTANT re-release day has finally arrived!!! Wait, what do you mean those aren’t sweaty palms? Their just wet because you forgot to dry them after using the restroom? Oh… well, that doesn’t explain the trembly knees. You must…

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Back in October I was honored to have my story (Extant) included in Samuel Peralta’s best-selling short story anthology, The Time Travel Chronicles. It’s a fast-paced action-adventure with some time-manipulating secret agents fighting to save the world. It was a ton of fun to write (and hopefully you’ll find it fun to read!). On February…

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Psst…hey, hey you. Yeah, you. Come over here. I have something to tell you. No, just trust me, come closer. It’s best if I whisper this seductively in your ear? What’s that? Did I say seductively? No, of course not, that’s weird. Stop inching away and giving me those worried eyes. Come back here! Okay, fine.…

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Today we’re talking about the promises and implied expectations we as storytellers make. For those of you not in the know, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, specifically from a narrative craft perspective. One of the things he talks about over, and over, and over again, is making promises and then fulfilling them.…

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