Street thug Riko has some serious issues—memories wiped, reputation tanked, girlfriend turned into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who think she screwed them over. In an apathetic society devoid of ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh can mean a killing edge or a killer conversion,…

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<<<The Sequel Nearly Broke Me>>> I nterested to hear the story of how Mind Breach, the long awaited sequel to Time Heist, nearly broke my heart and soul? Curious to see how close I came to full-blown insanity? Perhaps you’re struggling with an albaross’ian project and need to know you aren’t utterly alone wallowing in…

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Welcome to the world of fragmented attention. Let’s face it, we’re screwed. We’re deep inside a digital age that has reduced our attention spans to the equivalent of a high-functioning goldfish. From the moment we slide our slabs of meat out of bed in the morning, to the moment we cannonball back in that evening,…

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My hard-drive is littered with carcasses. It’s a literary graveyard. Overflowing with the remains of sweet, beautiful little darlings cut down in the prime of their lives. And with every darling I’ve ever butchered, I died a little inside. Some of you will understand my murderous tendencies. Others are edging their way towards the door/back…

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We’ll keep this short and sweet my fellow bookaphiles (<– pretty sure that’s a thing). I’m giving away digital copies of Time Heist to the first three people to pop over to Amazon and sign-up! That’s right. Time is of the essence. Click the pic below right now to win your very own copy of Time…

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[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Fasten your seatbelts, Buckaroos! Today we’re talking about voice (or perhaps more specifically, STYLE), which is a slippery eel of a topic if ever there were one, so we’re gonna have to come at it all sneaky like from a couple different angles and hopefully one of…

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Barbara from the Reading Experience blogged about the power of voice and how it can make all the difference for a reader. She goes through and mentions some of her favorite “voice” authors (and you know, might have mentioned somebody we both know. *cough cough* just sayin’). Barbara is a crazy avid reader, so if…

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I’ve been dead to the world this last week ’cause my lady and I have been shoulder deep in a cross country move. At the moment, I write to you from the world’s largest Starbucks which you might be surprised to learn resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Full disclosure: the title of world’s largest…

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CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REVIEW AT SF SIGNAL! Anne Leckie’s Imperial Radch series has been one of the hottest SFF topics in the last couple years. After Ancillary Justice stormed on the scene to win the Hugo (and pretty much every other notable award to boot), expectations were high for the rest of the trilogy. The…

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