I was having a conversation with Ana, a fellow reviewer with a blog HERE! about the nature of reviewing. Recently I’ve been getting a blush worthy amount of attention for my reviews, which is fantastic, but as I was telling my lady-friend, Katherine, I never set out to be a reviewer. The intention behind this blog…

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Jupiter Ascending, the latest from the Wachowski brothers (the guys that brought you such classics as The Matrix and Cloud Atlas), had me really psyched after seeing the trailer a couple months back. So psyched, in fact, that I made a little blog post about how psyched I was. Stunning visual effects plus an all-star…

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It’s coming a day late, but I have a feeling you’ll forgive me… right? *ominously waves a pair of children’s scissors* And yes, that’s a threat. Forgive me my tardiness, or else! Oh, really? Just like that? Well, thank you. I didn’t expect that to be so easy. You’re very agreeable. *ominously puts pair of…

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I received No Way Home (an anthology of short stories) from Michael Patrick Hicks as an Advanced Review Copy. Typically I don’t do ARC copies 1) because if it’s a book I really want to read I’d rather just buy it and support the author and 2) because it makes me feel subconsciously obligated to…

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You like free stories, right? Sure you do. The person who hates free stories is pretty much the same kind of person who hates puppies. You don’t hate puppies, do you? Of course you don’t. So listen closely, I’m gonna let you in on a little known secret: by signing up for the One Lazy…

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Yaay, it’s short story Monday! Tuesday! It’s not a thing, but we’re gonna pretend like it is. Here’s a little short story I wrote way back when. Want more free short stories? Head over to OneLazyRobot and you can scrounge up some more. Super Hero Woes “With great power comes great responsibility.” -Uncle Ben from…

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I’ve been getting the question recently, “Whatcha working’ on?” Amongst friends and family the expectation seems to be, “You finished Time Heist, so you’re probably done with that whole writing thing now, right?” Uh… nope. If writing were a rustic cowboy in the mountains I would definitely be looking him in the eyes whispering, And…

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I was over on Goodreads answering some questions about Time Heist’s genesis and thought I might as well share it with ya’ll. By the way, if you haven’t already, there is still time to sign up to win a free signed copy of Time Heist. Click HERE to do so. It takes practically no time…

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I know you’ve been waiting for it… Wait. Really? You weren’t? Poop. Anyways, regardless of whether or not you were waiting for it, it’s here. Parallel’s Free on Amazon for the next couple days. Now, e-books, especially this one, are great because they can be used to fend off the digital zombie invasion, can be…

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Duck and cover! Shameless self-promotion incoming!!! We got less than a week until Time Heist hits the shelves. If you haven’t already, get over to Amazon and pre-order your digital copy. If you’re waiting for the paperback, no fear, that also will be available on the 1st (there’s just no pre-order option for that, yet).…

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