“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible to the world.” Welcome back for another dose of Monday Motivation! We’re gonna kick-start the week with some words from a man known more for being funny than poignant, but there are a couple nuggets in here I think we could all use a reminder on occasion.…

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Interview with Leslie Roberts of CJAD 800   [box] Listen above to the chat I had with Leslie Roberts about The Power of Decision.[/box] The article I wrote for Medium a couple weeks back (The Power of Decision) caught on in kind of a big way. Thanks in large part to the popularity of that…

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Michael Patrick Hicks is the author of a number of speculative fiction titles. His debut novel, Convergence, was an Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award 2013 Quarter-Finalist.   His most recent work is the horror novel, Mass Hysteria.He has written for the Audiobook Reviewer and Graphic Novel Reporter, in addition to working as a freelance journalist and news photographer.…

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The Emperor’s Blades Brian Staveley splashed down into the cold, dark sea of epic fantasy back in 2014 with his debut novel, The Emporer’s Blades. My girlfriend at the time consumed it in about 13 microseconds and then proceeded to tell me, for roughly the next year and a half how I should most definitely…

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I’ve lived a life defined by fleeting passions. Or phases as one of my best friends recently put it. There was the chess, and martial arts, and long distance running, and snowboarding, and writing, and Starcraft, and poker, and rock climbing, and writing, and… Activities that I became absolutely obsessed with, pouring immense quantities of…

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Here, bite down on this. It’s time for your weekly jolt of motivation. This week we’re talking about the single most important thing you can invest your time, money, and energy into: Yourself. Forget fancy new gadgets designed to make you more productive. Forget get rich schemes promising you the secret formula to success. Forget…

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K.C. Alexander is the author of Necrotech—a transhumanist sci-fi called “a speed freak rush” by NYT bestseller Richard Kadrey and “a violent thrillride” by award-nominated Stephen Blackmoore. She co-wrote Mass Effect: Nexus Uprising with NYT bestseller Jason M. Hough. Other credits consist of short stories to Fireside magazine and a contribution to Geeky Giving, as well as personal essays regarding life between…

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Since it first hit the shelves in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, has been the definitive text in the world of influence and interpersonal dynamics. The only other book even remotely in the same league as How to Win Friends is perhaps Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Power of Persuasion.…

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