Time to perk up, folks, Monday has arrived. Yeah, yeah, I know, Mondays are rough. You partied hard (or went into complete couch potato mode) this weekend and the last thing you want to do is putter into work for another week of drudgery. I get it. I do. Truly. But you’ve got a choice:…

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Welcome to the world of fragmented attention. Let’s face it, we’re screwed. We’re deep inside a digital age that has reduced our attention spans to the equivalent of a high-functioning goldfish. From the moment we slide our slabs of meat out of bed in the morning, to the moment we cannonball back in that evening,…

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As suggested by the name of this blog, OneLazyRobot, I don’t like to work harder than the task at hand dictates. That doesn’t mean cutting corners or phoning it in, but it certainly means not making things any more difficult than they need to be. Efficiency above all else. So, in the spirit of efficiency…

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