I’m knee deep in a robo-baby short story over here, but I wanted to give you all a little somethin’-somethin’ to keep you entertained on this Sunday afternoon. Coincidentally, it tag-teams off my previous post about really lame superhero costumes (how’s that for bringing things around full circle?). One of the comments in that post…

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The other day I was in the bookstore and overhead two people talking about this year’s Hugo Awards. One guy was telling his female compatriot all about how some people cheated the voting process and hijacked the awards in attempt to push their own right wing conservative politics…or something like that. Truth was, and he…

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The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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I was having a conversation with Ana, a fellow reviewer with a blog HERE! about the nature of reviewing. Recently I’ve been getting a blush worthy amount of attention for my reviews, which is fantastic, but as I was telling my lady-friend, Katherine, I never set out to be a reviewer. The intention behind this blog…

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Agent Carter, if you don’t know, follows Peggy Carter, Captain America’s Best Girl (when did we stop referring to people as the best girl? I like the ranking system this label implies), as she works for SSR which is some branch of the United States Intelligence community, maybe similar to the CIA? The show itself…

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A good story needs at least one of two things: a good plot or good characters. Ideally you’d get both, but beggars can’t be choosers. Well, actually, they can…but they shouldn’t. For instance, if you’re panhandling outside Chipotle and I bring you a chicken burrito, I don’t want to hear any complaints about how you’re a vegetarian…

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Now for the moment you’ve been anxiously awaiting all week: Books of the Week! Yaay! Let’s cut the shenanigans and get right down to business. 1) Authority – Jeff Vandermeer (For those wanting some moody science fiction) Authority is Book Two in the Southern Reach Trilogy. Now, for those of you with good memories, you’ll…

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It took a bit, but I finally managed to compile my reading list from last year. As you can see there’s a whole lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy in there with the occasional How-To book on writing (hey, gotta keep those chops fresh!). The most read author of 2104 was Chuck Wendig, but if you’re…

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Here’s a two-fer! Boy, this has been a great month for Indie Cyberpunk. For me, atleast. I’ve had this deep rooted affection for cyberpunk since reading William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash. That love is nestled in my loins next to my affinity for peanut butter and cereal. Though, not necessarily together. Unless…

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