Michael Patrick Hicks blipped onto my radar last winter about the time I was releasing Time Heist. His debut novel, Convergence, was a hot little piece of writing that shared many technological viewpoints as my own work. I was intrigued enough to pick up a copy, which is a good thing, ’cause as it turned out, Convergence was awesome.…

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It’s been a bit since my last review. Blame that on the fact that I’ve been reading a butt-load of non-fiction recently. Or on the fact that I just haven’t felt like posting any reviews on account of the fact that a lot of the books I’ve read in the last few months have given…

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The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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