We all know how important starting strong is, right? That first sentence needs to stick a finger in the reader’s mouth and say, “You’re coming with me, Jack.” Or Jill, whatever your name is. That first sentence drags the reader (kicking and screaming if need be) into the first paragraph, which leads to the second…

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The other day I was fortunate enough to be on one of those new fangled podcast things over at SF Signal. We talked about the Hugos, WorldCon, and hot up-and-coming authors you should be reading. My recommendation for a new author you should take the time to read was none other than Ernie Luis. I’ve…

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Today we’re talking about the promises and implied expectations we as storytellers make. For those of you not in the know, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, specifically from a narrative craft perspective. One of the things he talks about over, and over, and over again, is making promises and then fulfilling them.…

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Quick disclaimer: I am, by no means, a Twitter expert. The fact that you’re here now, reading any advice I could possibly offer on how to use Twitter as an effective part of your social media platform, is likely due to your extreme boredom (and/or masochism). In fact, I’ll go one step further and say I’m not…

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Ah, the sidekick. An oft overlooked, but (if done properly) ever present force for your storytelling good. When I wrote Cheating Your Way To Likable Characters, I talked a bit about how giving your main character a friend is one of the most important things you can do in establishing your main character’s likability. A…

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Creating imaginary worlds filled with whatever weirdness your thinking noodle cooks up is, at it’s root (if you’re doing it correctly) fun. Sure, sometimes it’s hard forcing yourself into the chair to put words to paper, but once you’re in the flow and ideas start plopping out of your word-hole, the act of writing becomes a…

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Every great journey begins with a single step forward. Where your story is concerned, that first step is absolutely, without question, the most important one. Doesn’t matter how fantastic the rest of the book is, if the first few sentences don’t compel the reader into the next paragraph, and that paragraph doesn’t force them to…

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