I alluded to this a couple months back, but have been playing it fairly close to the vest since. Well, we’re officially in the homestretch and in just a couple days Time Heist will be available as an audiobook. Pretty cool, huh? The whole process has been fascinating and I can’t wait to share the finished…

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Preston Leigh from The Leighgendarium did an interview with me the other day. Now, I know if you stop by here on a regular basis, you’ve probably had your fill of me, but maybe you want some secondsies? Perhaps some sugary dessert? Well, if so, stop on over there and check out what we chatted about.…

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Yep, it’s that time again: TIME HEIST is on sale at Amazon for only $0.99! Ring of Shameless Self-Promotion Activate!! *morphs into a skyscraper-sized salesman* *begins flinging books around like ninja stars* Now, unless you want a book tossed at your dome-piece, here’s what you should do: Bop on over to Amazon and pick up…

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Here’s a thing you might be interested in. Goodreads is hosting a contest for a signed copy of my book, Time Heist. All you you have to do is head on over to Goodreads, click on the little button that says “Sell My Soul In Exchange for an Opportunity to Win a Signed Copy of Time…

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The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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Yeah, you read that correctly. The paperback version of Time Heist is finally out. A whole day before the digital version, no less. How is such a thing possible? Well, I’ve decided that before the paperback version goes live on Amazon, I would offer you all an opportunity to pick up a copy directly from my…

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Duck and cover! Shameless self-promotion incoming!!! We got less than a week until Time Heist hits the shelves. If you haven’t already, get over to Amazon and pre-order your digital copy. If you’re waiting for the paperback, no fear, that also will be available on the 1st (there’s just no pre-order option for that, yet).…

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