Street thug Riko has some serious issues—memories wiped, reputation tanked, girlfriend turned into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who think she screwed them over. In an apathetic society devoid of ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh can mean a killing edge or a killer conversion,…

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<<<The Sequel Nearly Broke Me>>> I nterested to hear the story of how Mind Breach, the long awaited sequel to Time Heist, nearly broke my heart and soul? Curious to see how close I came to full-blown insanity? Perhaps you’re struggling with an albaross’ian project and need to know you aren’t utterly alone wallowing in…

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It’s about a month since I last posted anything here (and about two months since I posted anything particularly substantial in the way of a review or article). Some of you have reached out, concerned that I finally drowned away all my sorrows at the bottom of a bowl of cheerios. Well, I’m back to…

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CLICK HERE FOR THE INTERVIEW!! Recently I sat down with Preston Leigh from the Leighgendarium to answer some awesome Christmas related questions. Not only that, but I’m giving away FREE copies of Time Heist and Purgatory to everybody who leaves a comment over there. So what’re you waiting for?

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CLICK HERE for Time Heist Audiobok! Rejoice, people! The long awaited Time Heist audiobook is finally here! Thanks to everybody for their patience, I know I’ve been saying “It’s coming, it’s coming,” for awhile now. But alas it’s here, and I’m really excited to share it with ya’ll. Adam Verner, the narrator, did a fantastic…

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I’m sitting in a boba-tea shop sipping down some tapioca balls of goodness and I got to thinking about the book I finished reading last night: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor. For those of you who’ve never read anything from Okorafor, Binti would be a splendid introduction. Published through’s novella program, Binti is only about 50…

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Yep, it’s that time again: TIME HEIST is on sale at Amazon for only $0.99! Ring of Shameless Self-Promotion Activate!! *morphs into a skyscraper-sized salesman* *begins flinging books around like ninja stars* Now, unless you want a book tossed at your dome-piece, here’s what you should do: Bop on over to Amazon and pick up…

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It’s rare I get hooked on a television show these days. The episodic nature depends so heavily on the intriguing interplay between micro and macro story arcs that all too often, at  some point, the plot-ball gets dropped and I lose interest. Conversely, I have a hard time getting into movies because they focus so…

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Today we’re talking about the promises and implied expectations we as storytellers make. For those of you not in the know, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, specifically from a narrative craft perspective. One of the things he talks about over, and over, and over again, is making promises and then fulfilling them.…

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