Preston Leigh from The Leighgendarium did an interview with me the other day. Now, I know if you stop by here on a regular basis, you’ve probably had your fill of me, but maybe you want some secondsies? Perhaps some sugary dessert? Well, if so, stop on over there and check out what we chatted about.…

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The other day I was fortunate enough to be on one of those new fangled podcast things over at SF Signal. We talked about the Hugos, WorldCon, and hot up-and-coming authors you should be reading. My recommendation for a new author you should take the time to read was none other than Ernie Luis. I’ve…

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Today we’re gonna do something a little out of the ordinary. I’ve been wanting to do an interview with Ted Cross, author of The Immortality Game, since I reviewed it back in December. Incidentally, he’s been wanting to do an interview with me, as well. We didn’t want to pass like two ships in the night,…

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Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the author of The Ill-Made Mute, Cecilia Dart-Thornton. Back in 2000, Cecilia was launched into international best-seller status by a series of crazy fortuitous events. Don’t believe me? Check out the interview HERE!

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Michael Patrick Hicks blipped onto my radar last winter about the time I was releasing Time Heist. His debut novel, Convergence, was a hot little piece of writing that shared many technological viewpoints as my own work. I was intrigued enough to pick up a copy, which is a good thing, ’cause as it turned out, Convergence was awesome.…

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