Interview with Leslie Roberts of CJAD 800   [box] Listen above to the chat I had with Leslie Roberts about The Power of Decision.[/box] The article I wrote for Medium a couple weeks back (The Power of Decision) caught on in kind of a big way. Thanks in large part to the popularity of that…

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I’ve lived a life defined by fleeting passions. Or phases as one of my best friends recently put it. There was the chess, and martial arts, and long distance running, and snowboarding, and writing, and Starcraft, and poker, and rock climbing, and writing, and… Activities that I became absolutely obsessed with, pouring immense quantities of…

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Here, bite down on this. It’s time for your weekly jolt of motivation. This week we’re talking about the single most important thing you can invest your time, money, and energy into: Yourself. Forget fancy new gadgets designed to make you more productive. Forget get rich schemes promising you the secret formula to success. Forget…

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Since it first hit the shelves in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, has been the definitive text in the world of influence and interpersonal dynamics. The only other book even remotely in the same league as How to Win Friends is perhaps Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Power of Persuasion.…

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Today’s video to get you psyched to tackle your week comes straight out of the ’90’s! So buckle up, baby, we’re dusting off the Delorean. :   Now scamper down to the comments and tell me your favorite chunk of popcorn advice. Maybe it’s from the video, maybe it’s from the homeless guy outside that…

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Failing Is Necessary Nobody likes failing. Some people claim to love it, but I remain unconvinced that they are in fact entirely human. As such, their opinions should be taken with the highest degree of skepticism. But here’s the thing, regardless of how you feel about failure, it is an unavoidable fact of life (especially…

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You might’ve noticed by now that I’m super into books about productivity and human behavior. I’ve got some pretty severe ADHD lurking up in my skull, and I figured out pretty early in life that the key to my personal productivity was almost entirely dependent on my ability to create habits, routines, and systems that…

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[button link=”″ type=”big”] Read the Full Article Here![/button] “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu For a long time I thought I understood this quote. It’s so straightforward, there seems little room for misinterpretation. And yet, there is. See, for many years, I thought Lao Tzu was saying that every…

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Here we are, my friends, another beginning, another opportunity, another Monday. Now today, we’re not just cranking the psyche system to 11 and getting all sorts of spastic motivated. I’m not your spin instructor, and you don’t need me showering you with spittle as I channel my inner drill sergeant. Instead, I’m gonna ask you…

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