Yaay, it’s short story Monday! Tuesday! It’s not a thing, but we’re gonna pretend like it is. Here’s a little short story I wrote way back when. Want more free short stories? Head over to OneLazyRobot and you can scrounge up some more. Super Hero Woes “With great power comes great responsibility.” -Uncle Ben from…

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I know, you’ve been busy. I get that. The holidays are crazy what with all the reborn deities and fat men in red pajama’s riding enslaved reindeer, and.. and.. and… Stop. Calm down, take a deep breath. I got a little somethin’, somethin’, for ya. Close your eyes and hold out your hand. No? Okay,…

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Duck and cover! Shameless self-promotion incoming!!! We got less than a week until Time Heist hits the shelves. If you haven’t already, get over to Amazon and pre-order your digital copy. If you’re waiting for the paperback, no fear, that also will be available on the 1st (there’s just no pre-order option for that, yet).…

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