China Mieville: The Man, The Myth, The Weird-Fic Legend China Mieville has been nominated for pretty much every science fiction and fantasy award under the sun. He’s been a finalist for the Hugo Awards, Philip K. Dick Award, Arthur C. Clarke Award, World Fantasy Award, and the British Science Fiction Award. Not to mention he…

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What I Wish I’d Known Then… I wish I’d known then just how hard it was going to be. Lord knows how many people were screaming from the mountaintop, “The road is paved in treachery. Beware!” Somehow their words fell on deaf ears. I wish I’d known then just how powerful my desire for distraction…

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J. S. Collyer is Science Fiction writer from Lancaster, UK. Her first novel, Book 1 in the Orbit Series, Zero, an action-packed, character-driven SciFi novel described as ‘Firefly meets James Bond’ was released by Dagda Publishing in 2014 and made it into Northern Soul Magazine’s Best Reads of 2014. The sequel, Haven, was released October 2015 and the third and final instalment, Silence, was…

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Chuck Wendig is a septic-dumpster fire I absolutely can’t get enough of. If you’ve spent any time wandering the One Lazy Robot halls, you’ll know by now that I have a bit of a writer crush on the bearded cantaloupe. I’ve followed his career for the better part of five years now, which has been…

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The Emperor’s Blades Brian Staveley splashed down into the cold, dark sea of epic fantasy back in 2014 with his debut novel, The Emporer’s Blades. My girlfriend at the time consumed it in about 13 microseconds and then proceeded to tell me, for roughly the next year and a half how I should most definitely…

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Rothfuss vs Sanderson Style I found myself in a particularly heated debate the other night (which shouldn’t come as a surprise considering I host a podcast alongside some friends that is entirely focused on the fine art of debate/argument) about the relative merits of two distinctive camps of writing style. If you’ve already glanced at…

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[button link=”″ type=”big”] Read the Full Article Here![/button] “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu For a long time I thought I understood this quote. It’s so straightforward, there seems little room for misinterpretation. And yet, there is. See, for many years, I thought Lao Tzu was saying that every…

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We’re going live on Facebook at 3pm (CST)! Grab a friend, some popcorn, and join me for my first ever Facebook Live session. Today we’re going to be talking about the Psychology of Failure and how we can leverage our fails into huge wins. Also, you’re not gonna want to miss the unveiling of the wicked…

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<<<The Sequel Nearly Broke Me>>> I nterested to hear the story of how Mind Breach, the long awaited sequel to Time Heist, nearly broke my heart and soul? Curious to see how close I came to full-blown insanity? Perhaps you’re struggling with an albaross’ian project and need to know you aren’t utterly alone wallowing in…

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Stranger Things splashed down last year on Netflix and made all sorts of waves. It’s an impressive mix of nostalgic throw-back to a simpler time when life was spent nerding out in the basement with a handful of close buddies, coupled with the sort of paranormal horror story you can only truly achieve when the…

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