Well, we’re already a month deep into 2016 and so far so… uh… good? I mean, overlooking that whole David Bowie, Alan Rickman thing… Too soon? Yeah, too soon. To take my mind off all the tragic losses 2016 has thus far slung our way, I dove into my reading list pretty deep. As of today…

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CLICK HERE FOR THE INTERVIEW!! Recently I sat down with Preston Leigh from the Leighgendarium to answer some awesome Christmas related questions. Not only that, but I’m giving away FREE copies of Time Heist and Purgatory to everybody who leaves a comment over there. So what’re you waiting for?

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I’m sitting in a boba-tea shop sipping down some tapioca balls of goodness and I got to thinking about the book I finished reading last night: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor. For those of you who’ve never read anything from Okorafor, Binti would be a splendid introduction. Published through Tor.com’s novella program, Binti is only about 50…

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Yep, it’s that time again: TIME HEIST is on sale at Amazon for only $0.99! Ring of Shameless Self-Promotion Activate!! *morphs into a skyscraper-sized salesman* *begins flinging books around like ninja stars* Now, unless you want a book tossed at your dome-piece, here’s what you should do: Bop on over to Amazon and pick up…

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October is here, and with it comes a slew of books I’ve been eagerly anticipating getting my hands on. If you’re looking for a new read to dive into, you could do worse than picking up one of these. Let’s not go beating any dead bushes (that’s your lovely mixed metaphor for the day), and…

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Yesterday I passed a landmark for the year: 100 books read. At the start of 2015 I set the goal of reading 2 books per week, but somehow I’ve managed to get a bit ahead of myself. Which is good, ’cause it means now I can put the books down, go out and actually have…

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As some of you may have noticed, the old One Lazy Robot website has been defunct for the better part of a week now. I pulled it down because it was just running way to slowly for my tastes. So, here we are, a week (and a lot of pulled hair) later, with a brand…

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Do you ever find yourself just slogging through a story that, on the surface, you’re really jazzed about? You have a great concept with compelling characters, but for some reason you’re going through the motions, trudging towards an ending that’s somehow lost its luster? I see you over there hands in pocket, staring down at your feet…

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