The Emperor’s Blades Brian Staveley splashed down into the cold, dark sea of epic fantasy back in 2014 with his debut novel, The Emporer’s Blades. My girlfriend at the time consumed it in about 13 microseconds and then proceeded to tell me, for roughly the next year and a half how I should most definitely…

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[button link=”″ type=”big”] Click HERE to read the full article![/button] We all want to be more influential. Whether it’s in personal relationships, workplace meetings, or just in casual encounters we all want our ideas to be regarded and accepted (sometimes even implemented) by others. The difficulty is that everybody else wants the same exact thing.…

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K.C. Alexander is the author of Necrotech—a transhumanist sci-fi called “a speed freak rush” by NYT bestseller Richard Kadrey and “a violent thrillride” by award-nominated Stephen Blackmoore. She co-wrote Mass Effect: Nexus Uprising with NYT bestseller Jason M. Hough. Other credits consist of short stories to Fireside magazine and a contribution to Geeky Giving, as well as personal essays regarding life between…

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Since it first hit the shelves in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, has been the definitive text in the world of influence and interpersonal dynamics. The only other book even remotely in the same league as How to Win Friends is perhaps Robert Cialdini’s Influence: The Power of Persuasion.…

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You might’ve noticed by now that I’m super into books about productivity and human behavior. I’ve got some pretty severe ADHD lurking up in my skull, and I figured out pretty early in life that the key to my personal productivity was almost entirely dependent on my ability to create habits, routines, and systems that…

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[button link=”″ type=”big”] Read the Full Article Here![/button] “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu For a long time I thought I understood this quote. It’s so straightforward, there seems little room for misinterpretation. And yet, there is. See, for many years, I thought Lao Tzu was saying that every…

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We’re going live on Facebook at 3pm (CST)! Grab a friend, some popcorn, and join me for my first ever Facebook Live session. Today we’re going to be talking about the Psychology of Failure and how we can leverage our fails into huge wins. Also, you’re not gonna want to miss the unveiling of the wicked…

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Street thug Riko has some serious issues—memories wiped, reputation tanked, girlfriend turned into a tech-fueled zombie. And the only people who can help are the mercenaries who think she screwed them over. In an apathetic society devoid of ethics or regulation, where fusing tech and flesh can mean a killing edge or a killer conversion,…

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  Martha’s Bookshelf has just reviewed the Time Heist audiobook and is giving away 3 FREE copies of the ebook and 1 FREE copy of the audiobook.   “The primary characters are intense and strongly flawed. The addiction aspects are interesting even as they are repellent.” – Martha If you’ve been wanting to snag a copy of Time Heist,…

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CLICK HERE FOR SFSIGNAL REVIEW! Looking for some fantastic military sci-fi? Whiz-bang-boom action merged with hair raising intrigue and aheartwrenching love story. Well, The Red: First Light and The Trials by award winning author Linda Nagata should be at the top of your to-be-read pile. Don’t believe me? Oh, doubting Thomas… what ever shall we do with you?…

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