CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REVIEW AT SF SIGNAL! Anne Leckie’s Imperial Radch series has been one of the hottest SFF topics in the last couple years. After Ancillary Justice stormed on the scene to win the Hugo (and pretty much every other notable award to boot), expectations were high for the rest of the trilogy. The…

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In a lot of circles I’m known as the science fiction guy. No surprise considering most everything I’ve published to date qualifies as science fiction, but I’ve got a dirty little secret… you ready for it? I think of myself as a Fantasy writer. “Huh?” You grunt perplexedly “<–totally an awesome word! Say it out…

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Confession time: I love audiobooks. They’re a fantastic alternative to dragging your eyeballs across an electronic screen, or a sheet of dead tree sprinkled with bits of black ink. Problem is: Audiobooks are crazy expensive. After having gone through the production process to bring Time Heist into existence as an audiobook, I now understand why. Production…

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This poor project has had the absolute worst luck in getting finished. I began it last Spring while an early draft of Mind Breach was in the hands of my Alpha reader as a short story simply known as “3 Days After“. That story concluded at roughly 30,000 words and I thought to myself, “Well,…

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Hey Everybody!! It’s the day you’ve all been awaiting with eager anticipation, sweaty palms, and trembling knees: EXTANT re-release day has finally arrived!!! Wait, what do you mean those aren’t sweaty palms? Their just wet because you forgot to dry them after using the restroom? Oh… well, that doesn’t explain the trembly knees. You must…

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Back in October I was honored to have my story (Extant) included in Samuel Peralta’s best-selling short story anthology, The Time Travel Chronicles. It’s a fast-paced action-adventure with some time-manipulating secret agents fighting to save the world. It was a ton of fun to write (and hopefully you’ll find it fun to read!). On February…

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