Well, we’re already a month deep into 2016 and so far so… uh… good? I mean, overlooking that whole David Bowie, Alan Rickman thing… Too soon? Yeah, too soon. To take my mind off all the tragic losses 2016 has thus far slung our way, I dove into my reading list pretty deep. As of today…

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  Martha’s Bookshelf has just reviewed the Time Heist audiobook and is giving away 3 FREE copies of the ebook and 1 FREE copy of the audiobook.   “The primary characters are intense and strongly flawed. The addiction aspects are interesting even as they are repellent.” – Martha If you’ve been wanting to snag a copy of Time Heist,…

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So some of you may or may not already know that earlier this month it was announced I’d be joining The Leighgendarium to write one or two Indie oriented reviews per month. Well, yesterday I decided to start it off with a bang and do a “Top-7 short stories of 2015” list. If you’re into…

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SPECTRUM BOOKS INTERVIEW Nadine Matheson from Spectrum Books was kind enough to sit down for an interview with me recently. We chat about Time Heist‘s peculiar birth, the writing process, influential peeps in my life, and what projects I have on the horizon. Might I recommend you go check it out?

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I like to think I’m showing up fashionably late to the “Top 5 of 2015” party. Then again, a lot of you are already blitzed out of your mind and laying haphazardly strewn across every plushy and hardwooded surface imaginable, so I might just be tossing this post up into the ether never to be seen…

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It’s about a month since I last posted anything here (and about two months since I posted anything particularly substantial in the way of a review or article). Some of you have reached out, concerned that I finally drowned away all my sorrows at the bottom of a bowl of cheerios. Well, I’m back to…

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