Here’s a thing you might be interested in. Goodreads is hosting a contest for a signed copy of my book, Time Heist. All you you have to do is head on over to Goodreads, click on the little button that says “Sell My Soul In Exchange for an Opportunity to Win a Signed Copy of Time…

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Yesterday I passed a landmark for the year: 100 books read. At the start of 2015 I set the goal of reading 2 books per week, but somehow I’ve managed to get a bit ahead of myself. Which is good, ’cause it means now I can put the books down, go out and actually have…

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The other day I was fortunate enough to be on one of those new fangled podcast things over at SF Signal. We talked about the Hugos, WorldCon, and hot up-and-coming authors you should be reading. My recommendation for a new author you should take the time to read was none other than Ernie Luis. I’ve…

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Last week I was invited to join the SF Signal podcast for a panel  with Gail Carriger, Stina Leicht, Sarah Chorn, Paul Weimer, Alvaro Zino-Amaro, and Patrick Hester) about Worldcon, The Hugo Awards, Up-and-Coming Authors, and Hot New Books We Can’t Wait To Read. It was what the kids these days like to call a…

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Today we’re talking about the promises and implied expectations we as storytellers make. For those of you not in the know, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, specifically from a narrative craft perspective. One of the things he talks about over, and over, and over again, is making promises and then fulfilling them.…

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Quick disclaimer: I am, by no means, a Twitter expert. The fact that you’re here now, reading any advice I could possibly offer on how to use Twitter as an effective part of your social media platform, is likely due to your extreme boredom (and/or masochism). In fact, I’ll go one step further and say I’m not…

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Today we’re gonna do something a little out of the ordinary. I’ve been wanting to do an interview with Ted Cross, author of The Immortality Game, since I reviewed it back in December. Incidentally, he’s been wanting to do an interview with me, as well. We didn’t want to pass like two ships in the night,…

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Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the author of The Ill-Made Mute, Cecilia Dart-Thornton. Back in 2000, Cecilia was launched into international best-seller status by a series of crazy fortuitous events. Don’t believe me? Check out the interview HERE!

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