Here’s a little sci-fi short I stumbled across this morning: The Earth We Forgot by Olof Storm. The dialogue is sort of cheezy, but it grows on you. The animation is incredibly simplistic, but that, too, grows on you. Happy Sunday morning ya’ll… Get out there and enjoy it!

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I’m a sucker for fan art. Thanks to The Mad Artist for the little pick-me-up on this slow, hot Sunday afternoon. Check out his site if you’re in need of some graphic art. I haven’t personally used him, but the stuff on his site looks great. TheMadArtist. For those interested, by the way, I’ve begun…

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Michael Patrick Hicks blipped onto my radar last winter about the time I was releasing Time Heist. His debut novel, Convergence, was a hot little piece of writing that shared many technological viewpoints as my own work. I was intrigued enough to pick up a copy, which is a good thing, ’cause as it turned out, Convergence was awesome.…

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If you haven’t heard by now, let me go ahead and throw a moist newspaper at your face: I’m contributing content over at SF Signal. It’s a big deal for me, because the folks over there have been putting out quality work for a long, long time now. What’s that mean for us over here…

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Ah, the sidekick. An oft overlooked, but (if done properly) ever present force for your storytelling good. When I wrote Cheating Your Way To Likable Characters, I talked a bit about how giving your main character a friend is one of the most important things you can do in establishing your main character’s likability. A…

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It’s been a bit since my last review. Blame that on the fact that I’ve been reading a butt-load of non-fiction recently. Or on the fact that I just haven’t felt like posting any reviews on account of the fact that a lot of the books I’ve read in the last few months have given…

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