Howdy kiddos and grownos (<– I’m making that into a word, so deal with it) last week I was giving away free copies of Standing Kill Orderlies. If you missed the boat, no worries, I’m back again this week with another free offer. Click the pic to be magically transported to Amazon where you can…

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BawdyBookWriter wrote up a great post on the importance of a good, genre specific cover. She writes gay erotica/romance which has very clearly defined parameters for what a good cover needs, and may not apply to you specifically, but there are some valuable nuggets of ideas in there. Check out my thoughts in the comment…

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Psst. Hey you, do you like free stuff? Of course you do, you’re a frugally minded individual, why wouldn’t you love free? Okay, fair point, sometimes free equals shoddy workmanship. Also, just to play devil’s advocate, sometimes free = bed-bugs. You wouldn’t take a free mattress off the side of the road would you? Wait,…

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