The recent Star Wars teaser trailer took the internuts by storm. People are going absolutely Lady Gaga over all the tiny little details. Ooh, new stormtrooper armor. Ahh, a black stormtrooper! Eeeeeh, a claymore lightsaber!! BWAAAAAAH!!! Harrison Ford isn’t dead! Okay, okay, that last one is pretty cool, I admit. Despite the way George Lucas…

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The other day I was in the bookstore and overhead two people talking about this year’s Hugo Awards. One guy was telling his female compatriot all about how some people cheated the voting process and hijacked the awards in attempt to push their own right wing conservative politics…or something like that. Truth was, and he…

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A month or so back this short film lit up the interwebs. People went so bonkers for the Moby Dick in space that there are actually plans to flush this out into a major motion picture. Boom! Who says internet fame is worthless? (Most everybody, actually. But hey, this is one of those really rare…

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I hate giving bad reviews. There’s probably some troll out there who gets off on savaging other people’s work, but I’m not one of them. Atleast, I try not to be. Sometimes I fail. And even if I don’t fail, it’s easy to come out the backside of a bad review feeling like a Grade-A…

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About a month or two ago I asked you all for some topical ointment suggestions. Ointment? Really? That doesn’t seem right. *checks notes* Oh, I meant some topical blogging suggestions. (<– that was about as forced as a joke can possibly get. Please forgive me.) On the whole, the ideas thrown out were more diverse…

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Oof, it’s been a couple weeks since I did a book review. Let’s see if I can remember how to these things are supposed to go. *fiddles with the magic box inside of which I keep all my reviewing super-powers* Uh… hrm… Who put a dead cricket inside my magic reviewing super-powers box? Oh, wait.…

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As you read in yesterday’s Vacation from Hell post, I’ve been away for awhile. So in the past few days I’ve been making a concerted effort to catch up on all the myriad things I’ve fallen behind on. Something interesting I’ve discovered is that whilst disconnected from the interwebs its hard to shake the feeling…

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As some of you may have noticed it’s been a few weeks since my last blog post. Perhaps you even went so far as to posit a hypothesis as to where I disappeared to. Alien abduction? I wish. Soul-searching hike through the Tibetan mountains alongside bald headed monks who seem particularly fond of the color orange and…

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