Parallel gets its first review! Thanks, Ana! And for those interested in getting a copy of Parallel, follow the link in Ana’s review to my Newsletter and sign up, then within a couple hours a Griffon will deliver Parallel or Sins of Father (Your Choice!) to your little email boxy thing.

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I apologize, the last few posts have been shamelessly plugging my own book, but I promise, that’s behind us….for now. Let’s get back to the basics and review a couple books I read last week. But wait, hold up, before we do, I’ve got a little proposition for you. So, uh… why don’t you shuffle…

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The reviews for Time Heist have been pouring in over the last few days and my cheeks are just blushing with all the positive feedback. As a writer you try not to pay too much attention to reviews (despite how important they are) for fear that negative feedback will suck out your soul like a…

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I’m not gonna put too much effort into this blogpost seeing as how it’s a lazy Sunday morning and I’m still wearing sweatpants. But that’s okay, ’cause Back to the Future in Lego form pretty much takes care of itself. Sit back and relax.

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A lot goes into writing a good story, unless somehow you’ve made BFF’s with a Muse. If that’s the case you don’t need me, and you should go frolicking through fields of daisies, jerk. For the rest of us, there are a lot of aspects of good storytelling that require conscious attention. These range from having good…

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I took a short morning break from working on Mind Breach to churn out a little vignette for you guys. It’s short, and rough (no proofreading or spell-check for this guy!), but I thought I’d share it to give an inside look into my first-draft process. First drafts aren’t always coherent, and rarely any good,…

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I was having a conversation with Ana, a fellow reviewer with a blog HERE! about the nature of reviewing. Recently I’ve been getting a blush worthy amount of attention for my reviews, which is fantastic, but as I was telling my lady-friend, Katherine, I never set out to be a reviewer. The intention behind this blog…

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