Alright, I left you on a cliff-hanger yesterday and I know, I just know, you’ve been dying to hear the rest of my thoughts on the anthology of short stories, No Way Home. Well, wait no longer, for it has come…the rest of my review. Cue the drum circle. What do you mean we have…

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I received No Way Home (an anthology of short stories) from Michael Patrick Hicks as an Advanced Review Copy. Typically I don’t do ARC copies 1) because if it’s a book I really want to read I’d rather just buy it and support the author and 2) because it makes me feel subconsciously obligated to…

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I can barely believe it’s over. Cryptonomicon consumed my reading schedule over the course of the past few weeks in a way no other book has in a long, long time. It was starting to become an albatross around my neck, but alas, it’s behind me now. Finally I can move on. But before I do,…

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Hey folks, it’s been a bit since my last blog post. I more or less fell off the face of the earth for a combination of reasons, but no worries, I’m back. In the next couple days I have all sorts of great new stuff for you including some book reviews, some rambling thoughts on…

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Agent Carter, if you don’t know, follows Peggy Carter, Captain America’s Best Girl (when did we stop referring to people as the best girl? I like the ranking system this label implies), as she works for SSR which is some branch of the United States Intelligence community, maybe similar to the CIA? The show itself…

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Yep, it’s here. I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile, and now that it’s here I’m doing a bit of a pee-pee dance of excitement. The Wachowski’s haven’t done much since The Matrix that has really hit home with me, but I’m looking forward to Jupiter Ascending for one reason alone: *checks notes* I…

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Let’s lead with this: I love superhero stories, even when they’re really bad. I’m thinking Superman Spiderman (d’oh!) 2 and 3 with Tobey Maguire bad. Or Batman & Robin with Arnold Schwarzennegger roaming around as Mr. Freeze bad. Call it a weakness, I just have a soft spot for them. I admit, the Polar Bear slippers…

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You like free stories, right? Sure you do. The person who hates free stories is pretty much the same kind of person who hates puppies. You don’t hate puppies, do you? Of course you don’t. So listen closely, I’m gonna let you in on a little known secret: by signing up for the One Lazy…

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I award you one million and thirty two apologies for bringing Books of the Week to ya’ll one day late, but I assume you all were too busy watching the Super Bowl yesterday, what with Kate Perry doing handstands on lions and all. Anyhoo, without further adieu, here are your books of the week. 1)…

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