The other day I did a real quick write up on James Corey’s Leviathan Wakes (which was a great little space opera, if that’s your thing) and lo and behold today I come across a trailer for a 10 episode series SyFy is doing called The Expanse (based on Leviathan Wakes). I’m interested to see what…

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Thanks to Heroines of Fantasy for the review of Time Heist. Chris Gerrib has some great feedback! Also, thanks to Ted Cross for putting this review on my radar. If you haven’t picked up Ted’s The Immortality Game yet you’re only hurting yourself! Anthony

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Another short film. This one has pretty good CGI, decent acting, and an interesting story line. Got to say for a short film it was pretty alright.

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Yaay, it’s short story Monday! Tuesday! It’s not a thing, but we’re gonna pretend like it is. Here’s a little short story I wrote way back when. Want more free short stories? Head over to OneLazyRobot and you can scrounge up some more. Super Hero Woes “With great power comes great responsibility.” -Uncle Ben from…

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Oh, god…we’re off to a bad start. I’ve already lied to you. You came here all innocently expecting the Books of the Week, but what you’re actually getting are the Books of the Last Two Weeks. I know, I’m sorry. You’re getting way more than you bargained for. What can I say? We had some…

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It took a bit, but I finally managed to compile my reading list from last year. As you can see there’s a whole lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy in there with the occasional How-To book on writing (hey, gotta keep those chops fresh!). The most read author of 2104 was Chuck Wendig, but if you’re…

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Here’s a little short Sci-Fi movie roundup for you. One of the things all these films have going for them is some fantastic visual and sound effects. Acting is typically “meh” and the story lines are a bit “whuuu?” but that’s what you get from a 3 minute movie. Enjoy. There’s a story to this…

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No, that’s not the little, skinnier cousin of the Death Star, though it can destroy worlds if you let it. The 1 star is as straight forward as it sounds, it’s a 1 star review and if you stay in the game long enough as a writer (or really, any creative type) you’re bound to…

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They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but those people are idiots. True, in an ideal world we’d be able to separate the two mediums (cover art/writing), but that’s just not how it works. A bad cover sets your expectations just that much lower, which can be a good thing if the writing/story…

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I’ve been getting the question recently, “Whatcha working’ on?” Amongst friends and family the expectation seems to be, “You finished Time Heist, so you’re probably done with that whole writing thing now, right?” Uh… nope. If writing were a rustic cowboy in the mountains I would definitely be looking him in the eyes whispering, And…

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