As far as short films go, this next one is pretty great. Intriguing storyline, amazing effects, and decent acting. This is one of those films I’d love to see turned into a full length feature! Also, I started playing this game last night called Brain Wars, and I can already foresee that I’m going to…

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A good story needs at least one of two things: a good plot or good characters. Ideally you’d get both, but beggars can’t be choosers. Well, actually, they can…but they shouldn’t. For instance, if you’re panhandling outside Chipotle and I bring you a chicken burrito, I don’t want to hear any complaints about how you’re a vegetarian…

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I’ll be honest, the first couple Fantastic Four movies kind of sucked. That’s not helped by the fact that in the grand pantheon of Marvel Superhero’s the Fantastic Four are kind of lame, but hey, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a superhero movie (yes, I watched Daredevil with Ben Affleck multiple times,…

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Yep, it’s that time of the year again: Award Season. In the months to come, for those paying attention, there will be a truly impressive smattering of Awards swirling about. If you catch a Hugo or Oscar across your dome-piece, don’t act as if you weren’t given fair warning, ‘cause pretty soon it’s gonna be…

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Now for the moment you’ve been anxiously awaiting all week: Books of the Week! Yaay! Let’s cut the shenanigans and get right down to business. 1) Authority – Jeff Vandermeer (For those wanting some moody science fiction) Authority is Book Two in the Southern Reach Trilogy. Now, for those of you with good memories, you’ll…

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Okay, so the CGI on this one is pretty awesome though the fight scenes, and music, are a bit too The Matrix inspired for me. There is a story buried in there somewhere, but it’s vague, or perhaps subtle would be a nicer way of putting it. Also, this isn’t what I would consider cyberpunk,…

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Before we get in up to our elbows worth of books I want to give ya’ll a heads-up that starting tomorrow Time Heist will be FREE on Amazon through the end of the week. So if you’ve been holding off on getting yourself a copy, or you have a frugally inclined friend looking for a new…

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I was having a conversation with my buddy Rupert from  about getting noticed in that big ol’ blogosphere. It’s tough going, for certain, and I am by no means an expert. But I have had a few mildly successful blogs in the past, and while OneLazyRobot is only two months old it has nearly 700 followers, which…

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