Yesterday we crammed a circus’ worth of clowns into a car and went rock climbing up near the Sierra’s. In between random singing seizures emphasizing how much I am all about that bass (and never that treble), we had an interesting conversation about the delineation between Science Fiction and Fantasy. In particular we had the…

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Alright, let’s keep this quick and dirty. I picked up this fairly new comic series called East of West a few weeks back. So far there are three books in the series, but I’ve only managed to read the first two. I plan on picking up the third one, but the other day on my…

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Want to win a FREE signed copy of Time Heist? Well, you’re in luck. Take two minutes to follow this LINK! over to Goodreads and sign up for the Giveway. The winner will be announced on January, 4th. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying, hells yeah I want a free book, I’ll sign up…later.…

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There’s been a lot of hullaballoo about Interstellar in the past few months. The hard science fiction aficionados of the world (read: guys who like their science to be accurate) have had a collective boner/lady boner for this movie for quite sometime. We’ll get to why that is in just a few short paragraphs. Interstellar…

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