Yeah, you read that correctly. Consider it a little end of the year gift to help you along with your New Years Resolution to read more. Pop on over to Amazon and grab a copy of Time Heist for only $.99. Click the photo! Stop arguing and do it! Be quick about it though, this…

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As suggested by the name of this blog, OneLazyRobot, I don’t like to work harder than the task at hand dictates. That doesn’t mean cutting corners or phoning it in, but it certainly means not making things any more difficult than they need to be. Efficiency above all else. So, in the spirit of efficiency…

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I was over on Goodreads answering some questions about Time Heist’s genesis and thought I might as well share it with ya’ll. By the way, if you haven’t already, there is still time to sign up to win a free signed copy of Time Heist. Click HERE to do so. It takes practically no time…

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A great short-little flick. Sort of cheesy animation, but the music is fantastic, and the story (without any words/dialogue) is pretty awesome. Give it a whirl! Nightfall from Valentin Schwind on Vimeo.

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Here we go, a tag-team follow up on yesterdays post pertaining to Goals and Dream Killing. Hopefully you’ve had some time to gestate on the year currently bidding us adieu, and the one about to kick down the door with size 2015 boots. Next week I’m gonna sit down and lay out my goals for…

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Let me just throw this out there real quick; I love setting goals. There’s something exhilarating about putting together a to-do list and actually marking that shit off. I’m pretty sure that’s why most people make grocery lists. That right there is an easy list to mark-off, unless you’re like me and forget your list…

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Here’s a two-fer! Boy, this has been a great month for Indie Cyberpunk. For me, atleast. I’ve had this deep rooted affection for cyberpunk since reading William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash. That love is nestled in my loins next to my affinity for peanut butter and cereal. Though, not necessarily together. Unless…

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I know you’ve been waiting for it… Wait. Really? You weren’t? Poop. Anyways, regardless of whether or not you were waiting for it, it’s here. Parallel’s Free on Amazon for the next couple days. Now, e-books, especially this one, are great because they can be used to fend off the digital zombie invasion, can be…

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This is timely for me ’cause I’m rewriting Mind Breach, the sequel to Time Heist, right now and have a scene with self-guided bullets. Damn, and here I thought this was going to be science-fiction. Wanna read more about this, check out this LINK and watch the video. It’s low on production value, but high…

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