Yeah, you read that correctly. The paperback version of Time Heist is finally out. A whole day before the digital version, no less. How is such a thing possible? Well, I’ve decided that before the paperback version goes live on Amazon, I would offer you all an opportunity to pick up a copy directly from my…

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Couple summers back I saw previews for Pacific Rim which coincided a bit too closely with the release of Transformers, which was definitely too close to Transmorphers (don’t know what that is? Netflix that shit. Pure cinematic gold) for my tastes. Enormous human driven mech’s fighting gargantuan monsters from a different dimension in the ocean?…

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Duck and cover! Shameless self-promotion incoming!!! We got less than a week until Time Heist hits the shelves. If you haven’t already, get over to Amazon and pre-order your digital copy. If you’re waiting for the paperback, no fear, that also will be available on the 1st (there’s just no pre-order option for that, yet).…

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Hey guys, quick post here. Looking for some book recommendations to kick your week off? Check these out. Elantrist for your fantasy needs. Darwin Elevator for your sci-fi action adventure needs. Y: The Last Man for your graphic novel needs!   Anthony

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Awhile back a buddy of mine from work was telling me about this book he was reading. There were aliens, time travel, Japanese mecha, and you could stop right there cause you had me at aliens. And time travel. And pretty much it doesn’t take a lot to get me psyched. So I checked out…

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What we got here is a bona fide pickle wrapped enigma, and we don’t have all day to go beating the perimeter of any bushes, so slide into your Haz-Mat suits and let’s dive right into the goop. If this is your first time donning your Haz-Mat suit go ahead and look to the fella…

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The Quest For The Golden Fleeced North Face Jacket So you’re back for more, eh? A glutton for punishment if ever I’ve seen one. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of, but it’s certainly something. No, no, don’t be ashamed. I’m just kidding. Hold your head high and be proud, cause nobody…

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Good news everybody! Time Heist will be dropping like a book shaped meteor on December 1st. It’s available for pre-order HERE so go reserve yourself a copy and it’ll be delivered straight to your reading device on December 1st. Now for you eager beavers out there that don’t want to wait that long, I’ll tell…

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It’s been a long time since my blog post. Let’s make a deal right now, I won’t apologize and you don’t have to pretend you actually cared. Because let’s be honest, you’re a beautiful soul and you’ve been up to your neck busy, right? Don’t play coy you sneaky turnip, of course you were. But…

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