I’m knee deep in a robo-baby short story over here, but I wanted to give you all a little somethin’-somethin’ to keep you entertained on this Sunday afternoon. Coincidentally, it tag-teams off my previous post about really lame superhero costumes (how’s that for bringing things around full circle?). One of the comments in that post…

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Time for another confession: I love superheros. Yeah, in all shapes and sizes, skills and abilities, traumatized pasts or billionaire playboys, doesn’t matter: I love them. I’m a sucker for a guy or gal in a spandex suit, wearing their undies on the outside and doling out good ol’ vigilante style justice. So, naturally, I…

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Whew, the last couple days have been busy, busy, busy. I finished up the first draft of the novella I’m tentatively calling Nemesis and now I’m about elbows deep in the second draft. Coupled on top of that are the ongoing edits and redrafts of Infinity Lost and Mind Breach (books 1.5 and 2 in the…

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Listen, I got a confession to make. Better come in close for this one. As some of you may know, I am a thirty-something middle-class white male. So I’m in like the 90th percentile when it comes to entitlement and privilege. I point this out because my demographic sort of shields me from a lot…

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As you read in yesterday’s Vacation from Hell post, I’ve been away for awhile. So in the past few days I’ve been making a concerted effort to catch up on all the myriad things I’ve fallen behind on. Something interesting I’ve discovered is that whilst disconnected from the interwebs its hard to shake the feeling…

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As some of you may have noticed it’s been a few weeks since my last blog post. Perhaps you even went so far as to posit a hypothesis as to where I disappeared to. Alien abduction? I wish. Soul-searching hike through the Tibetan mountains alongside bald headed monks who seem particularly fond of the color orange and…

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I took a short morning break from working on Mind Breach to churn out a little vignette for you guys. It’s short, and rough (no proofreading or spell-check for this guy!), but I thought I’d share it to give an inside look into my first-draft process. First drafts aren’t always coherent, and rarely any good,…

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Yesterday we crammed a circus’ worth of clowns into a car and went rock climbing up near the Sierra’s. In between random singing seizures emphasizing how much I am all about that bass (and never that treble), we had an interesting conversation about the delineation between Science Fiction and Fantasy. In particular we had the…

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