We’ll keep this short and sweet my fellow bookaphiles (<– pretty sure that’s a thing). I’m giving away digital copies of Time Heist to the first three people to pop over to Amazon and sign-up! That’s right. Time is of the essence. Click the pic below right now to win your very own copy of Time…

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If you’ve ever read one of my stories, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m pretty in love with cyberpunk. The interplay between society, individual freedom, and technology is a source of infinite material. A playground I could romp around in, shoving small children into the sandbox, all day long. But there’s a problem.…

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Confession time: I love audiobooks. They’re a fantastic alternative to dragging your eyeballs across an electronic screen, or a sheet of dead tree sprinkled with bits of black ink. Problem is: Audiobooks are crazy expensive. After having gone through the production process to bring Time Heist into existence as an audiobook, I now understand why. Production…

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This poor project has had the absolute worst luck in getting finished. I began it last Spring while an early draft of Mind Breach was in the hands of my Alpha reader as a short story simply known as “3 Days After“. That story concluded at roughly 30,000 words and I thought to myself, “Well,…

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It’s about a month since I last posted anything here (and about two months since I posted anything particularly substantial in the way of a review or article). Some of you have reached out, concerned that I finally drowned away all my sorrows at the bottom of a bowl of cheerios. Well, I’m back to…

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It’s official: My latest short story, Purgatory, is finally available for pre-order over on the Amazon. It’s only $0.99 so what’re you waiting for? Pop on over while it’s still fresh in your mind, grab a copy, and then sit back and wait with sweat slicked palms for Amazon to deliver Purgatory to your e-reader on December 1st!…

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I alluded to this a couple months back, but have been playing it fairly close to the vest since. Well, we’re officially in the homestretch and in just a couple days Time Heist will be available as an audiobook. Pretty cool, huh? The whole process has been fascinating and I can’t wait to share the finished…

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Looking for an excellent collection of short stories centered around the theme of Time Travel? Of course you are. What with all the hype around Back to the Future recently, I know you’re all dying to sate that time warping hunger burning in your gut. And here’s your opportunity: The Time Travel Chronicles from mega-curating superstar, Samuel Peralta, are officially on pre-order!…

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