Barbara from the Reading Experience blogged about the power of voice and how it can make all the difference for a reader. She goes through and mentions some of her favorite “voice” authors (and you know, might have mentioned somebody we both know. *cough cough* just sayin’). Barbara is a crazy avid reader, so if…

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If you’ve ever read one of my stories, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m pretty in love with cyberpunk. The interplay between society, individual freedom, and technology is a source of infinite material. A playground I could romp around in, shoving small children into the sandbox, all day long. But there’s a problem.…

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Hey Everybody!! It’s the day you’ve all been awaiting with eager anticipation, sweaty palms, and trembling knees: EXTANT re-release day has finally arrived!!! Wait, what do you mean those aren’t sweaty palms? Their just wet because you forgot to dry them after using the restroom? Oh… well, that doesn’t explain the trembly knees. You must…

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Back in October I was honored to have my story (Extant) included in Samuel Peralta’s best-selling short story anthology, The Time Travel Chronicles. It’s a fast-paced action-adventure with some time-manipulating secret agents fighting to save the world. It was a ton of fun to write (and hopefully you’ll find it fun to read!). On February…

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CLICK HERE for Time Heist Audiobok! Rejoice, people! The long awaited Time Heist audiobook is finally here! Thanks to everybody for their patience, I know I’ve been saying “It’s coming, it’s coming,” for awhile now. But alas it’s here, and I’m really excited to share it with ya’ll. Adam Verner, the narrator, did a fantastic…

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A couple quick things: CLICK HERE for my review of Linda Nagata’s Going Dark! Forgot to mention I recently reviewed Going Dark, the thrilling conclusion to Linda Nagata’s The Red trilogy, for SF Signal. This series was a real gem throughout, though I had some mixed feelings about this finale. Head over to SF Signal and check the…

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Yep, it’s that time again: TIME HEIST is on sale at Amazon for only $0.99! Ring of Shameless Self-Promotion Activate!! *morphs into a skyscraper-sized salesman* *begins flinging books around like ninja stars* Now, unless you want a book tossed at your dome-piece, here’s what you should do: Bop on over to Amazon and pick up…

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Last week I was invited to join the SF Signal podcast for a panel  with Gail Carriger, Stina Leicht, Sarah Chorn, Paul Weimer, Alvaro Zino-Amaro, and Patrick Hester) about Worldcon, The Hugo Awards, Up-and-Coming Authors, and Hot New Books We Can’t Wait To Read. It was what the kids these days like to call a…

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Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the author of The Ill-Made Mute, Cecilia Dart-Thornton. Back in 2000, Cecilia was launched into international best-seller status by a series of crazy fortuitous events. Don’t believe me? Check out the interview HERE!

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