Thanks to Ryan from Red Eagle’s Legacy for his review of my novella, Parallel. Pop on over and check out what he has to say. If that sounds like something you’d want to read then do yourself a favor and go over to Amazon right now and get yourself a copy of Parallel while it’s…

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BawdyBookWriter wrote up a great post on the importance of a good, genre specific cover. She writes gay erotica/romance which has very clearly defined parameters for what a good cover needs, and may not apply to you specifically, but there are some valuable nuggets of ideas in there. Check out my thoughts in the comment…

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Here’s the dirty: I’m sprinting towards the finish line of this Novella I’ve been working on the past week tentatively named Nemesis. It’s something shy of 30,000 words and I can see the finish line in sight. So, no long, well thought-out blog posts (ha, as if any of my posts are well-thought out) today.…

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The recent Star Wars teaser trailer took the internuts by storm. People are going absolutely Lady Gaga over all the tiny little details. Ooh, new stormtrooper armor. Ahh, a black stormtrooper! Eeeeeh, a claymore lightsaber!! BWAAAAAAH!!! Harrison Ford isn’t dead! Okay, okay, that last one is pretty cool, I admit. Despite the way George Lucas…

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The other day I was in the bookstore and overhead two people talking about this year’s Hugo Awards. One guy was telling his female compatriot all about how some people cheated the voting process and hijacked the awards in attempt to push their own right wing conservative politics…or something like that. Truth was, and he…

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A month or so back this short film lit up the interwebs. People went so bonkers for the Moby Dick in space that there are actually plans to flush this out into a major motion picture. Boom! Who says internet fame is worthless? (Most everybody, actually. But hey, this is one of those really rare…

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Parallel gets its first review! Thanks, Ana! And for those interested in getting a copy of Parallel, follow the link in Ana’s review to my Newsletter and sign up, then within a couple hours a Griffon will deliver Parallel or Sins of Father (Your Choice!) to your little email boxy thing.

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